While We Were Sleeping
Commissioned by the International Human Rights Art Festival, we presented a poetic theater piece titled While We Were Sleeping at Dixon Place on March 4, 2017. This show uses poetic storytelling to illuminate human rights abuses around the world. Poets included Tara Bracco, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Shane Michael Manieri, Shetal Shah, Natalia Vargas-Caba, and Kesav Wable. This show was made possible by support from Left Tilt Fund, Louise Davis, and Wende Jager-Hyman.

Take Your Time
On October 26, 2016, we premiered our 14th annual show, Take Your Time, at Theater on Waverly. Poets presented new poems examining how our overworked culture and lack of leisure time affects our health, relationships, and communities. Inspired by the Take Back Your Time movement, this spoken word show explored the psychology, cultural differences, and consequences of time poverty. Poets included Bogar Alonso, Tara Bracco, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Angela Kariotis, Shane Michael Manieri, Scottt Raven, and Shetal Shah. Funding made possible by the Puffin Foundation.