On April 1, 2023, we celebrated our 20th anniversary with a show titled Not Yet Said at Caveat on the Lower East Side. This milestone event premiered poems on topics not covered in previous shows and shared stories about how this community of artists worked together for two decades to change the world through poetry. The creative work included commissioned poems by vital artistic voices about marriage equality, immigration, education, housing, and gun violence. Poets included Tara Bracco, Jim Buckmaster, Shanelle Gabriel, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Natalia Vargas-Caba, and Jonathan Walton. The show marked the final annual show in the series, and was funded by the Puffin Foundation.

Co-produced with The Ink Project, Poetic People Power presented Embrace 2021: Reclaim What You Love, Restore How You Feel on July 22, 2021 via Zoom. Writers premiered new works in response to a commission by the producers. As our society navigated the repercussions of 2020 and began to emerge after a long period of isolation, this event provided a vital, communal space for writers to express their anger, hope, disillusionment, and resolve. Writers included Suzen Baraka, Yolanda "Yogii" Barnes, Tara Bracco, Jim Buckmaster, Marsha Habib, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Cohen Kraus, Anna Luisa Daigneault, Deonna Kelli Sayed, and Rashaad Thomas.

The Eco Rise
We premiered our 18th show, The Eco Rise, via Zoom on Earth Day on April 22, 2021. This show shines a spotlight on environmental heroes who have worked in their communities locally or at an international level to advocate for the well-being of people and the planet. Through the power of spoken word, poets bring these community leaders and their stories to the public, reminding audiences that positive change starts with the everyday person. Poets included Suzen Baraka, Tara Bracco, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Shetal Shah, and Nabil Viñas, with guest artists Anish Jethmalani and Erica R. DeLaRosa. Funding was made possible by the Puffin Foundation.

Can You Hear Me Now
On August 23, 2020, we presented our 17th show, Can You Hear Me Now?, to honor women’s voices as 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. This spoken word show brings feminist voices to the forefront as poets explore what it means to be heard in their personal lives and at a national level. Poets included Suzen Baraka, Tara Bracco, Shanelle Gabriel, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Angela Kariotis, and Shetal Shah. The show was presented virtually during the pandemic. Commissioned by Susan Grabel and Stefany Benson in conjunction with the exhibition Don't Shut Up 2020 at Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island.

Agitate: 15 Years of Poetic Action
Poetic People Power celebrated its 15th anniversary with the show Agitate. This spoken word show took place at the Helen Mills Theater on October 14, 2017. Agitate celebrated the creative work, stories, and positive change that resulted from this poetic community. The show included work by poets Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Sugar Johnson, Shetal Shah, and Natalia Vargas-Caba. The show was funded by Left Tilt Fund and The Yip Harburg Foundation..

While We Were Sleeping
Commissioned by the International Human Rights Art Festival, we presented a poetic theater piece titled While We Were Sleeping at Dixon Place on March 4, 2017. This show uses poetic storytelling to illuminate human rights abuses around the world. Poets included Tara Bracco, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Shane Michael Manieri, Shetal Shah, Natalia Vargas-Caba, and Kesav Wable. This show was made possible by support from Left Tilt Fund, Louise Davis, and Wende Jager-Hyman.

Take Your Time
On October 26, 2016, we premiered our 14th annual show, Take Your Time, at Theater on Waverly. Poets presented new poems examining how our overworked culture and lack of leisure time affects our health, relationships, and communities. Inspired by the Take Back Your Time movement, this spoken word show explored the psychology, cultural differences, and consequences of time poverty. Poets included Bogar Alonso, Tara Bracco, Philippe Garcesto, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Angela Kariotis, Shane Michael Manieri, Scottt Raven, and Shetal Shah. Funding made possible by the Puffin Foundation.

AntiSocial: The Dark Side of Social Media
We premiered our 13th annual show, #AntiSocial: The Dark Side of Social Media, at Wild Project on July 8 & 9, 2015. Poets presented new works about how social media has become increasingly toxic in recent years, and how it's affecting our behavior, relationships and society. Poets included Bogar Alonso, Tara Bracco, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Angela Kariotis, Shetal Shah, Natalia Vargas-Caba, and Jonathan Walton. The show was made possible through the generous support of Left Tilt Fund.

Closed: NYC Shuts Its Doors To Artists
On July 23, 2014, we presented our 12th annual show, Closed: NYC Shuts Its Doors To Artists, at Theatre 80 on St. Marks Place. Poets premiered new works about how New York City is no longer a haven for artists. Poets included Tara Bracco, Andy Emeritz, Vaimoana Niumeitolu, Scottt Raven, Shetal Shah, Pamela Sneed, and Justin Woo. The show was funded with a gift by Robin Stern and with support from several individuals in our community who generously donated to make this show happen this year.

Invisible Chains: Inequality in America
We premiered our 11th annual show, Invisible Chains: Inequality in America, at the Wild Project on July 31, 2013. Poets showcased new poems about race, gender, and class inequality. Poets included Tara Bracco, Nicole Goodwin, Karla Jackson-Brewer, Frank López, Scottt Raven, Shetal Shah, and Justin Woo. The show was funded by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Retro-Active: 10 Years of Poetic Action
Poetic People Power celebrated its 10th year with the show Retro-Active: 10 Years of Poetic Action. This retrospective took place at the Helen Mills Theater in midtown Manhattan on May 17, 2012. The show, which included poems by 13 artists, took a look back at Poetic People Power's artistic response to the changing political landscape over the last decade and presented new poems on the progress of political issues covered in past shows. It was truly an inspiring evening! Poets featured included Bogar Alonso, Tara Bracco, Karla Jackson Brewer, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Andy Emeritz, Nate Gunsch, Angela Kariotis, Dot Portella, Shetal Shah, Pamela Sneed, Jonathan Walton, Justin Woo, and Deanna Zandt. This show was funded by the Left Tilt Fund and the Puffin Foundation.

The Revoluton Will Be...
On May 25, 2011, Poetic People Power's 9th annual show, titled The Revolution Will Be..., premiered new poems about protest and revolution. Presented at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, the show featured poets Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Andy Emeritz, Frantz Jerome, Jonathan Walton, Justin Woo, and Deanna Zandt. This show was funded by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Price Check
We premiered our 8th annual show, Price Check: How We Became A Culture of Consumption, on May 19, 2010, at the Grand Theater at The Producers Club. This spoken word show explored the economics, psychology, and costs of our consumer culture. Poets featured were Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Andy Emeritz, Nate Gunsch, Frantz Jerome, Angela Kariotis, Shetal Shah, and Justin Woo. This show was funded by Becky Katzman, Joe Gonzalez, Roseanne & Denis Bracco, the Puffin Foundation, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Tapped Out: Words About The Water Crisis
On April 25, 2009, we presented Tapped Out: Words About The Water Crisis at Bowery Poetry Club. This show premiered new works about the privatization of water, the dangers facing freshwater, and the growing scarcity of this precious resource. Poets featured were Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Andy Emeritz, Frantz Jerome, Angela Kariotis, Dot Portella, and Jonathan Walton. Tapped Out marked our seventh annual show.

Activism: The American Way
For our sixth annual show, Activism: The American Way, poets premiered new work about citizen engagement and reclaiming patriotism. The show was presented at the Bowery Poetry Club on April 25, 2008. Poets included Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Frantz Jerome, Sugar Johnson, Angela Kariotis, Chris Martin, Shetal Shah, and Jonathan Walton. This show was funded by Becky Katzman, the Puffin Foundation, and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Sick & Tired: A Call for Universal Care
This show marked our fifth annual event. Sick & Tired advocated for universal health care and was presented at the Bowery Poetry Club on April 11, 2007. Poets featured were Tara Bracco, Cynthia Bruckman, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Frantz Jerome, Sugar Johnson, Chris Martin, Pamela Sneed, and Jonathan Walton. The show was funded through the generous support of the Puffin Foundation and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Raise the Wage
On April 27, 2006, we presented a show titled Raise the Wage at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe. Poems focused on wage issues such as pay equity, class gaps, and advocacy to raise the federal minimum wage. Poets included Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Frantz Jerome, Sugar Johnson, Matthew Keuter, Chris Martin, Courtney E. Martin, and Jonathan Walton. This show was made possible with support from the Puffin Foundation.

Coming Clean: Poems for the Earth
Coming Clean was presented on April 13, 2005 at the Bowery Poetry Club. This third annual Poetic People Power event gathered eight diverse poets reading and performing new poems about environmental issues to coincide with Earth Day. Poets included Felice Belle, Tara Bracco, Erica R. DeLaRosa, Sugar Johnson, Rafael Landron, Chris Martin, and Courtney E. Martin.

Voices on Voting and Democracy
Poetic People Power and Ars Nova Theater co-produced Voices on Voting and Democracy on April 14, 2004. In this election year, poets were asked to write new poems on this timely topic. Poets included Tara Bracco, Andy Emeritz, Galinsky, Chris Martin, Courtney E. Martin, Dot Portella, and Shetal Shah.

Women's Words About War
On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, we celebrated National Poetry Month with a reading called Women's Words About War at Bluestocking Bookstore. The reading was inspired by the Poets Against the War movement. Poets included Tara Bracco, Courtney E. Martin, Laura McCandlish, June Labyzon, Jennifer Murphy, and Joanna Smith Rakoff. This pilot event was a surprising success and launched Poetic People Power's annual shows.