20 Years of Action

For our shows, we’ve provided a section in the event program that lists resources - websites, books, movies - related to the show's theme. These websites are listed here below the names of each show.

Get involved, stay informed, volunteer, support, and get your voice heard!

Embrace 2021: Reclaim What You Love, Restore How You Feel

Co-produced with The Ink Project with a focus on mental health and well-being

Psychology Today
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

Agitate : 15 Years of Poetic Action

This was an anniversary show, which included previous topics and resources.

Take Your Time

Log Off Vacation
Happiness Alliance

#AntiSocial: The Dark Side of
Social Media

Center for Digital Democracy
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Closed: NYC Shuts Its Doors to Artists

Jeremiah's Vanishing New York

Retro-Active: 10 Years of Poetic Action

This was an anniversary show, which included previous topics and resources.

The Revolution Will Be...

The Indypendent
Left Turn
The Nation
Mother Jones

Price Check: How We Became A Culture of Consumption

Take Back Your Time
New American Dream

Coming Clean: Poems for the Earth

Earth Day
E Magazine